As the start of the school year approaches, I feel myself settling in the traditional hyperventilation mode I hit every fall. There is so much to do! And with a college senior who was gone half the summer, our days are now crammed with researching and visiting college campuses, searching for scholarships, and generally floundering around feeling confused and overwhelmed.
Plus, fall soccer started for my son (Yeah, yeah, I’m a soccer mom and proud of it!) with all its obligatory practices, and games. Lately, I feel like I’m constantly driving, or biting my nails while my newly permitted son is driving, making lists, and just running around DOING stuff for everybody.
Well, I was visiting the site of a fellow blogger, ThetaMom, and she issued a challenge for all the moms out there: Take a one-hour time-out for yourself within a week, then share the story on your blog. And by time-out, she meant without involving the kids in any way, shape, or form.
Just STOP for an hour? Hmmm…this was a challenge! But thanks to a dear friend of mine, I have a built-in monthly break that I adore.
Several years ago, my buddy, Cheryl, talked me into joining her group of Bunco Babes which met once a month. In case you’re unfamiliar with Bunco, it’s an incredibly mindless dice game that actually serves as a cover for women to get together and talk. Yes, talk! You get to talk to your friends for hours! Uninterrupted by children, homework, housework, cooking, or carpooling. It’s AWESOME! There are three tables of four players each. Players rotate throughout the night, giving each person ample opportunity to talk to everyone there.
Now I’m going to share a little secret about MY Bunco group that I haven’t even told my family. Okay, scoot a little closer to your computer…
We haven’t actually played Bunco in over a year! Don’t tell!
The first few years we started out playing, we really did! But over the past year, we’ve gotten so busy talking and laughing and eating chocolate M & M's and laughing and…well sort of never get around to actually playing the game.

So this past Friday, I got all ready, passed farewell kisses around to my family and sailed out the door at five minutes before 7:00 p.m. like usual, on my way to PLAY Bunco (wink, wink). This time we all brought books to lend, and shared some of our favorites with the group. My night with the Bunco Babes is a highlight of each month. I just love hanging out with those women! Memories of our times together keep me laughing the entire rest of the month as I recall the jokes and conversations of the evening. If you don’t already have one, I highly recommend creating your very own Bunco Babes group as the ultimate stress reliever!
Images by Jono Rotten
Plus, fall soccer started for my son (Yeah, yeah, I’m a soccer mom and proud of it!) with all its obligatory practices, and games. Lately, I feel like I’m constantly driving, or biting my nails while my newly permitted son is driving, making lists, and just running around DOING stuff for everybody.
Well, I was visiting the site of a fellow blogger, ThetaMom, and she issued a challenge for all the moms out there: Take a one-hour time-out for yourself within a week, then share the story on your blog. And by time-out, she meant without involving the kids in any way, shape, or form.
Just STOP for an hour? Hmmm…this was a challenge! But thanks to a dear friend of mine, I have a built-in monthly break that I adore.
Several years ago, my buddy, Cheryl, talked me into joining her group of Bunco Babes which met once a month. In case you’re unfamiliar with Bunco, it’s an incredibly mindless dice game that actually serves as a cover for women to get together and talk. Yes, talk! You get to talk to your friends for hours! Uninterrupted by children, homework, housework, cooking, or carpooling. It’s AWESOME! There are three tables of four players each. Players rotate throughout the night, giving each person ample opportunity to talk to everyone there.
Now I’m going to share a little secret about MY Bunco group that I haven’t even told my family. Okay, scoot a little closer to your computer…
We haven’t actually played Bunco in over a year! Don’t tell!
The first few years we started out playing, we really did! But over the past year, we’ve gotten so busy talking and laughing and eating chocolate M & M's and laughing and…well sort of never get around to actually playing the game.

So this past Friday, I got all ready, passed farewell kisses around to my family and sailed out the door at five minutes before 7:00 p.m. like usual, on my way to PLAY Bunco (wink, wink). This time we all brought books to lend, and shared some of our favorites with the group. My night with the Bunco Babes is a highlight of each month. I just love hanging out with those women! Memories of our times together keep me laughing the entire rest of the month as I recall the jokes and conversations of the evening. If you don’t already have one, I highly recommend creating your very own Bunco Babes group as the ultimate stress reliever!
Images by Jono Rotten