Quote of the Week

“Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced—
even a proverb is no proverb to you
until your life has illustrated it.”
~ John Keats ~


Dayna Musto said...

Hi there - I'm following you back. Love your blog girl. I'm also a parent of teens and it has yet to be effortless.


Nancy said...

I know that The Velveteen Rabbit is about being real. It is such a great book. I get chills just thinking about it and how I felt the first time I read it. Great quote. It's good to be real!

Ivy said...

So much truth in this! You know, I've never read The Velveteen Rabbit. I actually didn't even realize until now that I have no idea what it is about. It's on OnDemand right now. I must resist the urge to cheat and watch it.

Abby Fowers said...

I love this! Good ol' Velveteen Rabbit! Such a great message in that story.

Teresa Robeson said...

The Keats quote is lovely, but The Velveteen Rabbit, now *that* moves me! Seriously, I bawl even if I just think about the story. I never could read it to the kids because I'd be a blubbering mess. LOL!

Petula said...

That is definitely a great quote. Funny that I stop by today... we seem to keep catching each others' quotes. Have a great week!

Name: Holly Bowne said...

Ivy--your son is at the perfect age for you to read him this story! C'mon, you've gotta do it! ;o)